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Bringing Back Dinner

In 2013 I started a blog called Bringing Back Dinner, which has since merged with this blog here at Yielding Action creating a place for Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition tips and Environmental information. But I never left the heart of Bringing Back Dinner it just expanded.

Bringing Back Dinner

I believe the table is to be a safe place. A place to talk about your day, share your feelings, reconnect, and unwind. A place for laughter or tears, and open honest communication. The heartbeat of the home.

When I started my blog in 2013 the perception was that the American family rarely ate dinner together anymore, but a Gallop poll from then showed that 53% of families ate dinner together at least 6 nights a week. There is definitely room for improvement and it starts with intention and setting a tone of importance.

We are connecting over every single meal!!! You may say. Yeah, I know, 2020 was full of changes, but not all of them were bad. Familes are enjoying dinner together again, cooking from scratch and involving the family. For some families, it is the first time they've eaten dinner as a family in a long time and they like it!!! They are finding out they like each other too! As we contemplate moving back to a more normal lifestyle hang on to the things you enjoyed this year.

Let's continue to Bring Back Dinner.

Some of the benefits:

  • A sense of rhythm an normalcy, the comfort of routine.

  • Socialization and social skills

  • It builds relationship and can help develop trust

  • People who make meal time a social time tend to be healthier

  • Socializing over a meal cause us to slow down while eating allowing us to recognize when we feel satisfied.

  • Children who eat regular family meals are less likely to be picky eaters

  • Children who eat more that 2 meals a week with their family are less likely to be overweight

  • It can improve your child's self esteem

  • Build friendships

  • Be fun

What does it look like?

  • Set a dinnertime and try to stick to it.

  • Invite friends and family to have a meal with you. As the weather is getting warmer have meals outside with open air and social distancing.

  • Have a picnic in the living room

  • Make a movie night with homemade pizzas, or try letting everyone make their own personal pizza

  • Serve hotdogs on china

  • Meet a friend for coffee - yep, it counts

  • Make smoothies together for breakfast, everyone make their own recipe

  • Have a taco bar, potato bar, salad bar...

  • Build sheet forts and have hotdogs, pretend you're camping

  • What about setting up your laptop across from you and have a meal virtually

You don't have to be Martha Stewart or a master chef, just have fun!


  • Don't bring cellphones or electronics to your meals. Just enjoy the conversation.

  • If you live alone, make time to meet a friend for a meal or invite them over. It's OK to do a Potluck too!

  • Try using the suggestion above and Zoom your meal, after all we have a lot of practice this year!

Share in the comments what you love about sharing a meal with others.


Meyer Lemon Shake

From Shaklee Naturally


1 c. milk of your choice

1 Meyer lemon, with skin but without seeds

1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

Handful of ice cubes

Blueberries (optional)


Add milk, shake mix, and quartered Meyer lemon (seeds removed) in the blender. Whirl at high speed. Add ice and process until smooth.

Special thanks to our Facebook Friends for sharing their delicious Life Energizing Shake recipes and to Shaklee Naturally!


he new Life Shake™ is a convenient, healthy, complete meal with 20 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber, 24 essential vitamins and minerals, and indulgent flavors you'll crave. It provides energy and essential nutrients beneficial to overall health. Life Shake also supports satiety and a healthy weight when used as a meal replacement in the Shaklee 180® Program.


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