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Word of the Year : Lagom

Do you name your year or have a word of the year? It is a great exercise to help you plan, but also take a good look at yourself and your desires.

At the end of every year I think ahead and ask myself what do I want in the upcoming year and what do I want to see in myself. This year I want balance; not too much, not too little. Just the right amount of all things.

I wanted the ideas of balance, but not that word, something that felt like "more", and that is when I discovered the Swedish word Lagom, which means exactly what I was looking for. You may have seen the Swedish word Hygge around that last several years it means having that comfy soothing space that leads to contentment and Lagom is about being balanced and keeping things manageable leading to a more peaceful place. Both are excellent words!

Lagom: Not too little, not too much, the right amount.

Choosing your word

  • Naming your year goes beyond "New Year's Resolutions" it provides guidance and focus.

  • According to author, Victor Ehikhamenor it is normal in Nigeria to name your year and it is part of a large "Crossing Over" ceremony.

  • There are no wrong names. The decision is personal, deeply personal

  • You should write it out and place it someplace you will see frequently as a reminder and encouragement

  • You will not see your word come to fruition overnight, it will take purpose, drive, and desire. Making a word of the year can be a motivation.

  • It can be a word or sentence, as long as it is what speaks to you

  • Someone spoke to me the difference between our activities and our dreams. Our activities are often our New Year's resolutions while naming our year is our dream. We may do our resolutions in the process of making our dream happen, but it is not the big picture.

  • Celebrate the wins in regard to your goal! Try journaling your wins, the process helps cement it in our minds and hearts and will bring good feelings to the memory which will be encouraging later.

  • Once you have named your year brainstorm ways you will make it happen, create your plan.

  • Let someone know your year's name and ask them to be part of the process. This will help you follow through.

  • Get excited about your year's name. You should be excited for the prize at the end of the year.

This year I stumbled on some great tools that helped me know what I really wanted and they perfectly aligned with a tool I use for my coaching clients. One of those the cobbler's son has no shoes types of things.


  • The MiGoals Journals - Have the Goal Digger one and the questions at the beginning were so helpful that I asked my husband the questions and my daughter...and my sister-in-law... Thought provoking and inspiring.

  • Wheel of Health - This is a tool I use frequently and decided I need to do the exerciser for myself. It is a simple assessment to help you see what areas of your life are out of balance.

  • The Human Being Journal - I can't say enough about this journal! It isn't a journal in the traditional "I'm going to write my thoughts every day" sort of way, it is more of a planning and accountability tool. It lines up perfectly with the Wellness Wheel assessment above. I thought this was expensive, but I will tell you it was worth every single penny!! I felt excited about the upcoming year for the first time in a while.

I wish you success in your goals this year and I wish Lagom for you!

Have you already chosen a word? Drop your word in the comments and share why you chose it.


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