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Does your Wellness Plan include Reading?

(It should-Reading has wellness benefits too!)

Does your wellness plan include reading? Reading?? I eat well (mostly), I move well, I de-stress, I sleep well...why read? Good question!

  • Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere. —Mary Schmich

  • A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one. – George R.R. Martin

  • Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. —Joseph Addison

The library is one of my favorite places, filled with adventure and knowledge! I am a proud owner of multiple library cards; my hometown, my current town, and a neighboring town. They are tickets to anywhere!

I have always been a reader, but my mom is a librarian, my stepmom a teacher, and when I was a kid you could earn Personal Pan Pizzas by reading sooooo....there was no excuse, but to be a reader.

But did you know it's good for you?

  • Reading increases your empathy

  • Builds your vocabulary

  • Reduces stress

  • Is great mental stimulation

  • Can help reduce your chances of Alzheimer's

  • Helps sleep preparedness

  • Can improve focus and concentration

  • Improves areas of general knowledge

  • Improves memory

  • Increases analytical skills

  • Improves writing skills

  • Entertainment

  • Improves conversation

  • Reading makes individuals more engaged

  • Readers are more cultural

  • Readers are more likely to "get ahead" - The Average CEO reads 60 books a year

Books clubs are a great way to learn about new books, even if you don't join you can still see the recommendations and download the lists. Try these:

Check your local library's website for book lists too! Follow me on @goodreads

I'm a big fan of cozy mysteries, historical fiction, and various topics in non-fiction. The most recent "Can't put down" book I've read was Excavation by James Rollins. @authorjamesrollins.

My Current book list:

  • Grit by Angela Duckworth

  • Dolly Parton, Songteller: My Life in Lyrics by Dolly Parton

  • The End of Food Allergy by Kari Nadeau and Sloan Barnett

  • The Climate Chronicles by Joe Bstardi Jordan Payne (ed9t0r), Craig Roberts (Editor)

  • The Jade Dagger by J. A. Whiting

  • The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran, Michael Lennington

  • The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse

What is your favorite book? It's OK to list it by Genre. Share your books in the comments.

Happy Reading and make sure to add reading to your Wellness Plan!


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