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Simple Healthy Tips

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn 

Starting a new healthy habit can seem daunting. Where do you start? What should you focus your efforts on? Start with these ten tips for healthy habits:

  1. Read food labels. Don’t get bogged down trying to understand every single ingredient. Instead, focus on avoiding high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils and artificial colors. If any of these are on the label, look for a healthier option.

  2. For some people it is important to learn to recognize (and avoid) MSG. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is a flavor enhancer used in packaged foods. MSG is listed on food labels under a variety of names including “modified food starch” and “barley malt.” You can download this guide for a list of alternative names for MSG.  This is a debated issue and the main thing is to do your research and know what you're eating.

  3. Quality is more important than quantity. Rather than counting calories, fat, etc. and worrying about how much you’re eating, focus on eating quality foods that are grown, not manufactured. These foods are naturally high in fiber and protein and are low in sugar and hydrogenated oils. Think Traffic Light Eating!

  4. Eat mindfully. Don’t turn on the TV when you sit down to eat, and try to avoid eating in the car. Use meal time as a way to connect with your family and focus on the food rather than eating with other distractions like TV, computers and phones. 

  5. Go fish! Include more wild caught fish into your diet, especially wild caught salmon. Fish has high levels of omega-3 fat, which is essential for brain health. You can also enjoy tuna, halibut, catfish, rainbow trout, cod, anchovies and sardines. 

  6. Stay hydrated. Begin your day with a tall drink of water. Try to avoid sweetened or artificially colored drinks and opt for water instead.

  7. Become a grazer. Eating smaller meals or snacks more frequently throughout the day will help with digestion and weight control. Think nuts, smoothies and fruits and veggies.

  8. Get a buddy. Starting healthy habits (and keeping them!) is easier when you have a partner to share the journey with you. Enlist the support of a friend or family member for added accountability. Or, you can work with me! 

  9. Pamper yourself. Self-care is more than eating the right food. It’s also about scheduling “me time” and can include things like getting a massage, going for a leisurely walk or schedule a spa day. Take time to do things that you enjoy!

  10. Be realistic. As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day!” Start with a few changes at first and gradually incorporate more healthy habits over time.  

If you’re ready to start making healthier choices, contact me to schedule a consultation – the first step to a healthier you. Want to learn more about the healthy habits you can make? Let's Get Together!


Peanut Butter Chicken Rice Bowls

Makes: 4-6 servings

Active Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes


  • 4 tablespoons creamy, organic peanut (or any nut) butter

  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce or Bragg Liquid Aminos

  • ½ cup 100% apple juice

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

  • hot sauce, to taste

  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

  • 3 organic, free-range chicken breasts cut into bite-size pieces

  • 3 cups of veggies, chopped into bite-size pieces (red/yellow bell peppers, broccoli, onions, zucchini, mushrooms, etc.)

  • 1 cup rice (brown or wild) or quinoa, cooked


1. Mix together the peanut butter, soy sauce, and apple juice in a small saucepan. Add the lemon juice and hot sauce. 

2. Heat oil in a large skillet or wok and sauté the chicken until just cooked. Remove the chicken and add the vegetables plus the soy sauce. Sauté until the vegetables are cooked, but still firm. 

3. Mix the chicken back in. Serve the chicken and vegetable mixture over rice in bowls.

4. Heat the peanut sauce briefly. Spoon the sauce over each bowl or let each person add their own sauce.

How to Find Good Quality Supplements!

Learn the right questions to ask with this handy guide.



Raise a L.E.A.N. Shopper

  1. Shop around the outer aisles of the grocery store. That’s where all the fresh, whole and REAL food is located. As you shop, remind your children the importance of Green and Yellow Light foods. 

  2. Play color games and teach your children that the more colorful the veggies, the healthier they are. 

  3. Make a kid shopping list. Let your children help you plan your shopping list and let them find the items in the store!

  4. Try color coding your grocery list; Red, Yellow, Orange. Red for treat items, special occasion foods.  Yellow for whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, lean meats etc. and Green for fruits and veggies.

Join  our Tummy Challenge

30 days to a new tummy

Choose Option 1, 2, or 3 then join in the discussion on our Forum, tell your stories, experiences and encourage each other, plus receive special health coaching tips, recipes, and more to guide you through your journey.  

Our 2 new products Life Shake and Optiflora DI have already make a big difference in the guts of many, including some unexpected weight loss (a side benefit for some)! 

When we are healthier our body responds.

Choose your links below to email me for more information put your option in the subject line.

Option 1: Optiflora DI and VIta Lea 

$85.55 15 day serving of shake

Member price $72.80

$126.50 - 30 day serving of shake

Member Price #107.50

Membership is a 1 time cost of $19.95

Option 2: Optiflora DI & Vitalizer

$128.65 (women's) Plus tx & shipping.

Comes with a free membership!

Member Price: 109.25

Price varies based on type 

(Men's, Women's, Gold)

Option 3: Optiflora DI & LIfe Strip

$235.30 Plus tx & shipping

Comes with a free membership!

Member price $199.96


Want more tips: Click the link below:

Shaklee - Healthier You News Who hasn't left work late with a growling stomach but little energy to shop and cook? A busy schedule is one of the top reasons why people choose quick takeout meals, which are often calorie-laden and a contributor to expanding waistlines.


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