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Shrimp (almost) Tacos with Mango Slaw and Roasted Carrots with Carrot Top Gremolata

Sometimes things just don’t go the way we plan.  This meal was one of those times!  To start with I am not making one big grocery trip any more and trying to be more diligent to use what we have and plan more carefully and for the most part it is working.  We are spending less and generally eating more healthy meals.  BUT, it means we do not have many groceries in the house.

I was all ready to make dinner, when I pulled the shrimp out, freshly bought shrimp, and it smelled awful.  I tried cooking it as planned thinking, maybe, just maybe it was my imagination.  Wrong, it still stunk when I pulled it off the grill.  Now we had tortillas and amazing mango avacado slaw and well…plates.  In the end I found a bag of frozen chicken nuggets, tossed them in seasoning and grilled them.  It was great!  Not so healthy, but great!

One of the good things about life not going as we planned is the adventure we get to take along the way.  A dinner adventure isn’t so bad, but even life’s bigger adventures can be tremendous, leaving us glad we didn’t go the other route!  Embrace your adventures and enjoy these shrimp “chicken” tacos!

mango slaw taco

Time: 30 minutes

Ease: Simple

Review: Yumm!!  This was fantastic!  The slaw is to die for and I could eat it straight out of the bowl.  I highly recommend you give this recipe a try. Jenna from Recipe Diaries gave us a simple, but elegant and fun taco that I think you’d be proud to serve to company.

Please note the story above, we actually ate it with chicken, but it was great and we can’t wait to try it again with shrimp and think it would be great with fish.  The only minor change I made was to add a little Sriracha to the dressing and  a little more acid (lemon juice), but that is personal preference.  I might add more Dijon instead of lime or lemon next time.  This was a very minor change.

Extra Recipe:


Time: 40 Minutes

Ease: Moderate

Review: O –  M – G!!!  This dish was a complete surprise to me.  I am pretty good at looking at a recipe and guessing how it will taste and what my family will think and I thought this would be good.  I waaaaaay underestimated.  There was not one little piece left!  Picked clean!

When you read the recipe you will make a face and think it is weird, I mean it has curry and carrot tops! It is so good!!

I forgot to add the gremolata to the top, so it isn’t in the picture,but  I served it on the side and let people sprinkle it on top.  The germolata, as strange as it sounds, really makes the dish sing!  It provides an acid to the overall dish that is not overwhelming, but just enough zing.  This is an out of the comfort zone dish for some, but I think you will love it and it just might become a regular on your table. – Enjoy!


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