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Reviews: Giada, Pampered Chef, Ellie Krieger & Fresh Market

merry christmas

I hope you have been enjoying this new blog, I’d love to have your feedback.  What would you like to see?  What would make it easier for you to use? Ideas?  I may not take every suggestion, but will take them all into consideration.

This has been an adventure for me, one I am completely loving!  I thought, “hmmm, I’ll just write a little blog” and found there is a lot more to it than that.  I wrote about it in another blog I have called Never Thought I’d Blog: Cultivating Thoughts; Yielding Action, feel free to check it out.

This week’s Reviews:

The Process: For a full explanation visit this page

1. Sit down, relax and plan 4-5 meals (or pick some meals from here)

2. Make a grocery list and stick to it!!!! This saves time and money

3. Do the shopping-aim for one trip

4. Bring Back Dinner and enjoy

The Meals:

lamb & fish

Time: 30 minutes

Ease: Simple

Review: We visited Wales in April and I discovered that my family really likes lamb.  I had no idea.  This dish was very good and simple.  I added Tuna steaks because the meat was small and it seemed like a good combo.  Both were very good.

Tip: Look for the meat and fish on sale.  I found the lamb on sale, but in small pieces which made it a nice combo dish.

burrito bake

Time: 30 minutes in the microwave  1 hour in the oven

Ease: Simple

Review: I am a huge fan of Pampered Chef products and I enjoy the recipes because they are quick and often look like you put much more time into them than you actually did.  My family liked this meal and it was ready in minutes.

Tip: You can make this in any casserole dish and do not need the Deep Dish Baker by Pampered Chef.  Although it is a nice thing to have.  just make sure you have room to layer.

chicken tenders

Time: 30-45 minutes

Ease: Simple

Review:  This is a family favorite.  We will never buy store bought chicken nuggets or tenders again.  It is fresh and healthy and just plain good.

Tip: I alter this to make it in to nuggets or tenders rather than use the bone in chicken thighs.  The basic recipe works with any type of chicken I’ve tried.

sweet potato pear soup

Time: 30 minutes

Ease: Simple

Review:  Wow, this was so simple and so good.  Everyone enjoyed it even though it has neither cheese nor cream in it! But you would never know.  We served it with Goat cheese on toasted bread instead of Roquefort Cheese as suggested. Ok-there still must be cheese somewhere!

Tip: You can use chicken broth in place of wine if you prefer

With the holiday season in full swing life is pretty crazy and I caved, don’t feel bad if you have to sometimes too.  I bought frozen lasagna one night, but when you have been eating nice fresh, homemade meals frozen just can’t compare and they are loaded with extra sodium and preservatives.  But sometimes….

We had a lovely date night this week and visited one of our favorite restaurants, Josephine’s Bistro.  If you get the chance to go here you should!  The food has been consistently good.  I find most places are too heavy on the salt, but Josephine s has a delicate hand with seasoning allowing you to experience the most from the flavors.  The wait staff is helpful and courteous and they have a great wine selection.

Have a wonderful Christmas week!

Photos may be used, but please link back to this blog and credit Lisa Burbach, recipes are links to existing recipes and I have no ownership of recipes other than the ones I Have created.  Thank you.


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